Swiss Arbitration Association

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Experience ASA Town Hall 2024, the September Conference focused on advancing arbitration together. Join us for a unique event with interactive workshops, networking, expert speakers, and moderated discussions on controlling document production. The day will also include our General Meeting (for ASA Members only) and an ASA Below 40 Seminar.

ASA Town Hall 2024: Where arbitration is developed.


September 27, 2024

ASA Below 40

09:00 - 11:00
ASA below 40 Seminar
Trust Me, Iโ€™m an Expert โ€“ Working with Experts in International Arbitration

Our panel of young arbitration practitioners and experts will discuss everything there is to know about working with (or being) an expert throughout the different phases of an international arbitration proceeding. Join us to discuss best practices for written reports, what experts need from counsel, how best to prepare your expert for cross-examination, and how your expert is the secret weapon to delivering an effective cross-examination of the opposing expert!
Cyril Roche (Senior Manager at BDO AG)
Cyril Roche
Hรฉlรจne Taberlet (Senior Associate at LALIVE)
Hélène Taberlet
Andreas Wehowsky (Associate at Schellenberg Wittmer)
Andreas Wehowsky

General Meeting

11:15 - 12:15
General Meeting (ASA Members Only)
Updates, information and exchange.

ASA Town Hall

12:15 - 13:15
13:15 - 13:30
Welcome Address
Andrea Meier - Partner, Walder Wyss
Noradรจle Radjai - Partner, LALIVE
Jan-Michael Ahrens - Counsel, Siemens
13:30 - 14:00
James Hosking (Partner at Chaffetz Lindsey)
James Hosking
Carmen Nรบรฑez-Lagos (Founder & Partner of Nunez Lagos Arbitration)
Carmen Núñez-Lagos
14:00 - 15:15
4 Roundtable Discussions
John Adam (Partner at Squire Patton Boggs)
John Adam
Steven Finizio (Partner at WilmerHale)
Steven Finizio
Anya George (Partner at Schellenberg Wittmer)
Anya George
Lara Hammoud (Independent Arbitrator at Arbitra International)
Lara Hammoud
Wolfgang Junge (Legal Director of MSC (Mediterranean Shipping Company))
Wolfgang Junge
James Menz (Partner at rothorn legal)
James Menz
Alison Pearsall (Eviden International)
Alison Pearsall
Thomas Rohner (Partner at Pestalozzi)
Thomas Rohner
Tobias Zuberbรผhler (Partner at Zuberbรผhler Arbitration)
Tobias Zuberbühler
15:15 - 15:45
Coffee Break
15:45 - 16:45
Plenary Wrap-up
The plenary wrap-up will include short presentations on key discussion outcomes and polling questions.
16:45 - 17:00
Closing Remarks
17:00 - 18:00
Networking & Drinks

Roundtable 1: Measures to be taken before an arbitration / by the Parties

14:00 - 15:15
Measures to be taken before an arbitration / by the Parties
This roundtable will explore measures parties can take to limit document production. Participants will be asked to consider and discuss recommendations developed by the ASA User Council Working Group on Document Production and set out in a Draft White Paper. Recommendations include, among others, full exclusion of document production, limitation to specific documents, reinforcing links to substantive law and burden of proof, no separate document production phase, and cost consequences. Participants are also encouraged to discuss additional ideas on how parties can restrain document production.

Roundtable 2: Measures to be taken by arbitral tribunals

14:00 - 15:15
Measures to be taken by arbitral tribunals
This roundtable will explore measures arbitral tribunals can take to limit document production. Participants will be asked to consider and discuss recommendations developed by the ASA User Council Working Group on Document Production and set out in a Draft White Paper. Recommendations include strengthening requirements for the specificity of documents requested, for how requests are to be made and justified in the partiesโ€™ briefs, and limiting the production to material or relied-upon documents only. Participants are also encouraged to discuss additional ideas on how arbitral tribunals can restrain document production.

Roundtable 3: Applicable standard of relevance and materiality

14:00 - 15:15
Roundtable 3: Applicable standard of relevance and materiality
The IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration are frequently applied in respect of procedures for requesting document production from other parties and standards for determining whether the request should be granted. These rules provide inter alia that documents requested must be โ€œrelevant to the case and material to its outcomeโ€ โ€“ a test that is not defined further and not always applied stringently. Participants will be asked to consider and discuss the proposed interpretation guidance developed by the ASA User Council Working Group on Document Production and set out in a Draft White Paper.

Roundtable 4: Reviewing the context โ€“ policy considerations, stakeholder interests and technology

14:00 - 15:15
Roundtable 4 (two groups โ€“ Jan): Reviewing the context โ€“ policy considerations, stakeholder interests and technology
This roundtable will explore the broader context of the measures proposed, including policy considerations, stakeholder interests and technology. Participants will be asked to consider and discuss policy aspects of document production in arbitration, such as efficiency, access to justice, equal treatment of parties, and the fairness of proceedings. They will also discuss the perspectives of different stakeholders, including parties, tribunals and institutions. Paradigms may also shift as technology evolves and impacts the practice of document production.


Thank you to our valued sponsors for their continued support!


John Adam (Partner at Squire Patton Boggs)

John Adam

Partner at Squire Patton Boggs

Steven Finizio (Partner at WilmerHale)

Steven Finizio

Partner at WilmerHale

Anya George (Partner at Schellenberg Wittmer)

Anya George

Partner at Schellenberg Wittmer

Lara Hammoud (Independent Arbitrator at Arbitra International)

Lara Hammoud

Independent Arbitrator at Arbitra International

James Hosking (Partner at Chaffetz Lindsey)

James Hosking

Partner at Chaffetz Lindsey

Wolfgang Junge (Legal Director of MSC (Mediterranean Shipping Company))

Wolfgang Junge

Legal Director of MSC (Mediterranean Shipping Company)

James Menz (Partner at rothorn legal)

James Menz

Partner at rothorn legal

Carmen Nรบรฑez-Lagos (Founder & Partner of Nunez Lagos Arbitration)

Carmen Núñez-Lagos

Founder & Partner of Nunez Lagos Arbitration

Alison Pearsall (Eviden International)

Alison Pearsall

Eviden International

Cyril Roche (Senior Manager at BDO AG)

Cyril Roche

Senior Manager at BDO AG

Thomas Rohner (Partner at Pestalozzi)

Thomas Rohner

Partner at Pestalozzi

Hรฉlรจne Taberlet (Senior Associate at LALIVE)

Hélène Taberlet

Senior Associate at LALIVE

Andreas Wehowsky (Associate at Schellenberg Wittmer)

Andreas Wehowsky

Associate at Schellenberg Wittmer

Tobias Zuberbรผhler (Partner at Zuberbรผhler Arbitration)

Tobias Zuberbühler

Partner at Zuberbรผhler Arbitration

Are you an ASA Member? If not, register today to save!

๏ปฟEarly bird registration ends 31 August 2024

ASA Town Hall (Students)

Access to the ASA Town Hall, keynote, and breakout sessions. Ticket includes lunch, coffee break and drinks.

*Proof of ID required.

Standard PriceCHF150

ASA Below 40 Seminar

Access to the ASA Below 40 Seminar. Must be a member of the ASA Below 40 community.

Member PriceComplimentary

ASA Town Hall - ASA Member

Access to the ASA Town Hall, keynote, breakout sessions, and the general meeting.
Ticket includes lunch, coffee break and drinks.
Includes Junior ASA Members.

If you are a Junior Member and also wish to attend the ASA below 40 Seminar, please ensure to add BOTH tickets to your basket before passing to the payment.

*Does not include ASA Below 40 Community Members

Member PriceCHF460

ASA Town Hall (Non-ASA Member)

Access to the ASA Town Hall, keynote, and breakout sessions.
Ticket includes lunch, coffee break and drinks.

Standard PriceCHF575

ASA Town Hall Co-chairs



Bellevue Palace
Kochergasse 3/5, 3011
Bern, Switzerland

Contact us

For additional event or venue information, please email events@swissarbitration.orgYou can also reach us at +41 792514390

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