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Save the dateOctober 2, 202010:15 - 19:00 GMT+2 Add to Calendar
Venue Location
Venue Location

Uto Kulm, Uetliberg

Zurich, Switzerland

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Organizer: , ASA Below 40
Contact Person: Nathalie Lewkowicz-Mellen
About the Seminar
About the Seminar

This ASA below 40 Seminar is open to arbitration practitioners up to approximately forty years of age. It will be divided into three sessions. Each of them will be introduced by short presentations of about ten to fifteen minutes, followed by an interactive discussion amongst the participants. Each session will be led by a moderator. All participants are encouraged to share their experience.

Dress code is smart casual.

Information regarding COVID-19: Please do not attend if you have any COVID‑19 symptoms or if you are subject to quarantine obligations in Switzerland. The number of participants is limited to 45. You are encouraged to wear a mask during the seminar. Please follow distancing rules and hygiene instructions. You may transfer your registration to another person if you notify the organizers of the name and contact details of the other person in advance of the seminar. There are no refunds for cancellations.

Schedule at a glance
Schedule at a glance

Special Guest: Tobias Zuberbühler

Lustenberger, Zurich

10:15 Registration

10:45 Welcome: Olivier Mosimann, Catherine Anne Kunz, Catrice Gayer (Co‑chairs, ASA b40)

11:00  First Session: Written advocacy

12:30 Lunch

14:00 Second Session: Oral advocacy – opening and closing arguments

15:30 Coffee break

16:00 Third Session: Oral advocacy – dealing with fact and expert witnesses

17:30 Closing Remarks

17:30  Pre-dinner drinks at Uto Kulm

19:00 Dinner at Uto Kulm


Seminar Program
Seminar Program

Special Guest: Tobias Zuberbühler

Lustenberger, Zurich

First Session: Written advocacy

Moderator: Tomás Navarro Blakemore, FRORIEP, Geneva

Presenting facts: tips and tricks to bring facts to life

Anna Biasiolo, BonelliErede, Milan

Presenting legal arguments: how to convince the tribunal

Anja Vogt, Niederer Kraft Frey, Zurich

Second Session: Oral advocacy – opening and closing arguments

Moderator: Elena Trabaldo-de Mestral, Schellenberg Wittmer, Geneva

Opening statements: do's and don'ts and the technical toolbox

Marc Krestin, Allen & Overy, Paris

Closing statements: scoring points at the end of the hearing

Gregorio Pettazzi, Freshfields, Frankfurt

Third Session: Oral advocacy – dealing with fact and expert witnesses

Moderator: Roland Kläger, Haver & Mailänder, Stuttgart

Fact witness examination: effective techniques and tools in physical and virtual hearings

Simon Hohler, Thouvenin, Zurich

Expert examination: how to help the tribunal – insights from the tribunal's perspective how to help the tribunal navigate conflicting expert evidence

Laura Azaria, Lalive, Geneva

Special Guest Speaker
Special Guest Speaker

ASA Below 40 Fall Seminar (Sold Out)

ASA Below 40 Fall Seminar registration fee


ASA Below 40 Fall Seminar Dinner

ASA Below 40 Fall Seminar Dinner


Uto Kulm, Uetliberg, Zurich